Flood Disaster Support

AWARE learnt about the miserable living conditions of some extremely poor families, due to the recent torrential rain and flooding from a river in the Dhokla area of Ahmedabad district. We joined forces with another charity and visited the area. After discussing the relief work with the affected families, we committed to supplying two meals every day for 70 families, and then a ration supply for a month.
AWARE Golf Day 2024

Another fantastic AWARE charity golf day raising an amazing £19,000!
AWARE Trustees Visiting Our Projects in India 2024

Earlier this year, all AWARE trustees had the invaluable opportunity to visit our ongoing projects in India. This trip allowed them to witness first-hand the impact of our work, engage with local communities, and connect deeply with the people and initiatives that drive our mission forward.
The Aware Foundation Cricket Gala Dinner 2019

A short clip of our cricket legends gala event with full speeches from Jayesh Patel (founder of AWARE) and Rajesh Bhat (Trustee).
Jayesh Visiting the Children in India

Jayesh (founder of AWARE) has spent the last few weeks visiting some of the projects that AWARE supports in India. He visited two schools in South Gujarat district of Narmada. The children are 6-14 years old, and are accommodated in hostels on the same campus, these two schools are in the second most deprived and unprivileged areas in India…
Samadaan Shelter Home

AWARE has borne the costs of this shelter home, rehabilitating children of HIV+ parents.
The shelter is a well-managed home with 33 boys, some of these children are orphans, and some have only one parent and all have at least one parent who is HIV positive.
Samvedana Shelter Home

Apart from Samadaan, at Samvedana, a shelter home for HIV-infected children, 38 boys and girls live and go to school along with their HIV treatment. Samvedana is located at Mangalore. So, in Kranataka, TAF supports 71 children at two different shelter homes.
Shaishav’s Aranyak Project

Amli Timli programme – engages intensively with 267 children every day at two Ashram Schools. Ashram Shala project – visiting Ashram Schools once a week, 1720 children were reached out.
Swapath Trust

Under its School Retention Programme (SRP), 102 children in the insurgency affected regions, were supported for their schooling. Higher Education Support Programme (HESP): Under HESP, 31 students at universities were supported and mentored during their higher studies.

Under the Tarun Shala (School of life skills training) 42 drop out boys were trained in life skills and at the same time are prepared for the Board Exams.